Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Lochmuhle Freizeitpark

Brice had the day off for Memorial Day, so we kept the kids home from school and took them to an amusement park/petting zoo. The park is geared towards younger kids, so it was perfect for them. They were able to ride all of the rides and also feed all of the different animals.
Caden and Kayla feeding the bunnies. These were their favorite animals b/c they were so calm. All of the other animals were very hyper when we came near them with food. The deer stole Caden's entire bag of feed. We also saw a new baby horse and baby bull.
Brice and the kids getting ready to ride the roller coaster. This was one of the few rides that actually had an attendant working it. Everything else was self service. You get in line, get into the ride and push the "go" button all by yourself. Some rides required a "waiting person" to push the button. This is one of the things about Germany we would love to bring back to the states. The whole "you can manage yourself" concept. Of course this would never fly back home b/c of the liability...too many "sue happy" people.
Action shot on the roller coaster. The kids rode it over and over again. Brice and I took turns riding the coaster and holding Avery.
There are several play areas in the park. The trampolines were a blast.
I even took a turn. (Please note that I was on the descend and that my hair is not that fluffy.)
Fun slide. We had to carry these burlap carpets to sit on and then come flying down.
The kids got to "drive" the tractor. You get yourself on and off the tractor. No attendants.
Sweet Avery just sat in the stroller being so good. She hadn't had a nap all day and was so tired. And I don't know why she won't fall asleep in her stroller...I brought her blanket and everything. Let me take a moment to say that Avery has come full circle. She just about did us in her first few months alive. I really don't know how I survived all the crying and crying and not sleeping, but I did. She really is a very sweet baby (even if she always has her thumb in her mouth).
Caden on the chair ride. You sit in the chair and it takes you way up in the air and across this zip line. He was so brave. He sat in the chair and then Brice shut the gate and pushed the button. No one was there to check for age or height requirements.
This was one of my favorite pictures because of the kid's faces. This ride ran up and down an elevated track. It went up pretty high so that it took your stomach when it would come down. Kayla was not a fan at first but kept wanting to ride it over and over.

We also did bumper cars, spinning cups, playground, ball pit and much more. We had a yummy lunch with nuggets, brats, and schnitzel.

After our adventures we came home to rest for a bit. We had planned to cook out for Memorial Day so Brice fired up the grill and we had burgers, hot dogs and brats. Our neighbor joined us for a nice BBQ outside. We had beautiful weather and a very memorable day.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Mommy Handbook.....

Page 235: If you dress your 8 month old in a white shirt, it will get dirty.

Page 181: While out in public, if you give your 8 month old a sippy cup she will spill it on herself (even with spill proof spout)

Page 19: If your baby gets dirty and can not be naked, you may change baby into whatever extra clothes you have; even if your only option is a 5t shirt.

Page 20: Said wet shirt will dry rather fast if hung out the window while driving 130 km/h on the Autobaun.

Page 695: If you are going to visit your baby's father at work, you must dress baby back into appropriate sized clothing so that father's co-workers do not think he lives with hillbillies that wear clothes 5 sizes too big.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

This is me and my mom (nice slippers mother). When I look at the picture I realize that my mom was in the same "season" of life that I am in now. Just having our third child like she had done here. I think she did a pretty good job.....there is hope for my kids too.
Happy Mother's Day to my wonderful mother. Thank you for birthing me, raising me, not killing me and being a great example of how a mother should be.
Anyone that knows my mom knows how selfless and generous she is. She is always willing to give to others. She will give material things, but especially her time.
She has devoted her life to raising her children and is now enjoying the payback......Grandkids.
We are really far away from her this year but still send our love.

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Caden and Kayla had a sleepover this weekend. After shipping them off to other homes a few time before, it was our turn to host. Ella and Mason are their best buddies and we love to have them around.
The crew. Mason, Ella, Caden, Avery and Kayla.
The kids had a lot of fun playing with Caden's bug collection. Yes, I mean taking those little critters out of the cage (after I told them not to). The also played a intense game of dodge ball of the bed. Caden would throw the big exercise ball at them and see who he could knock over. We tried to settle down and watch a movie, but as you can guess that didn't last long. I mean who wants to sit and watch a movie when you can jump on the bed and dance around.
Sweet little Ella finally came to me at 8:30 and asked if she could please go to bed. (How many 3 year olds do that?) So we get Kayla and Ella all settled into bed on Kayla's floor.

I tuck them in and head downstairs. About 2 minutes later I hear the singing and dancing and the boys head upstairs to join the party that just won't stop. After a little more playing and some stories they all were asleep at 10:00. And in true sleepover fashion they were up at 7:00. Energy level: High .........Fun Level: Even higher........Overall: Total success

Thursday, May 1, 2008

10 years

10 years ago today I married the most wonderful man. I am so lucky that I have someone who is willing to work hard to make this work while putting up with all of my faults. He is an amazing husband and father and I hope the next 10 years are just as great. He knows me better than anyone and still loves me in spite of my imperfections. He still makes my heart skip a beat. I love you Brice.

The Outfit (part 2)

I really thought that losing the Dr. Seuss tights would help........
But apparently I was wrong......VERY wrong.