Friday, June 11, 2010

Wave Your Flag!

The World Cup 2010 fever is strong here in Europe and we wanted to be part of it. We have been singing along to this year's anthem and love that song! Even Avery knows the words.
Here are Caden and Kayla on their way to the bus this morning.

We don't' own any USA soccer jerseys, but of course had 2 from England. Those are forbidden so Caden's wearing Barcelona's and Kayla has on a neutral one from Caden's soccer games long ago.

1 comment:

Lisa Bunker said...

Way cute, My boys get into world cup too, but I don't think it's as big here. When Jason was on his mission we sent a usa to him to give to his Brazillian companion. They were way into it! When the Jazz played in the finals my kids wore Jazz attire and the school had jazz days. I have a really cute picture of Jason and Brett in their jerseys in my study still!