Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Lonle Cat

Now that Caden is in the 2nd grade he has homework every night. And since Kayla is just in Kindergarten, she never has homework other than light reading each night. Our normal after school routine is come home, get a snack, play or watch TV for about 20 minutes and then we start homework (Caden's homework). I don't let Kayla watch TV while Caden is doing his homework because he just gets too distracted, even if he is in the other room. So she usually just hangs out and colors or something. Last week she decided to write a book. Introducing "The Lonle Cat".

The Lonely Cat

The cat had no one to play with.

Then the cat came to a castle.

Then the cat found a friend.

Then the cats went the cat park.

Then the cats went to get some ice cream.

Then the cats ate the ice cream.

Then they lived happy ever after.

The End

She wrote it all by herself (obviously) although my spelling isn't much better. She only asked me one question. "Do you spell found with ou or ow?"
Kayla has written several books. She is just an easy kid like that. Give her some paper and she's content for hours. LOVE HER! Our other 2 kids are the opposite, so I will embrace and enjoy the low key child that she is.


lelu said...

That's awesome! What a smart girl! All of your kids are so cute!

Dzmura Family said...

Loved it even more the 2nd time. Love that girl!

all things girly said...

that is really good for her age! I don't think many at that age can be that good at a story!!

I am going to miss you guys so much-

I guess we will have to use FB and blogs to keep-in-touch!!


Wilde Things said...

That was freaking awesome. She is sweet!