Monday, January 11, 2010

One Happy Fan!

Last week Caden got a belated birthday gift in the mail. His uncle Steve somehow manged to get him an autographed football from the BYU football team. It has all of the big name players on it which Caden imediatly started to recognize. With every name that he read he grew more and more excited. He could not believe that the actual players that he watches and talks about held this football and signed their own names. He is soooo proud of it and shows it to anyone and everyone that comes over. He would take it to school if we would let him. He has talked and talked about getting a football signed by one of them, but now his dream has come true.

Thanks Steve for making this eight year old fan very happy. Your thoughtfulness means a lot to Caden and to Brice and I. Caden will cherish this gift forever.


all things girly said...

too cute! miss you guys and think of you so often! wish we could talk soon-

The Tennessee Nobles said...

Way to go Caden!! I miss that kid. Hope you guys are doing well. Love ya-