Thursday, July 31, 2008

That's How We Roll

My new friend Christine was kind enough to teach me and another friend Tchrieyah how to make chicken for our family in a form other than nugget. We made a delicious sweet and sour chicken and spring rolls. The spring rolls took a while to do because of all the rolling and rolling and a little more rolling.

So while the mommies were making theses......
.......the kids were busy making this.

This was actually very mild compared to the mess they made on Monday when we made cashew chicken. That day there were book shelves emptied, barbie doll hair cuts and a batch of lip gloss soup made. Overall a very mild discovery for 8 kids and 2 babies.
Our spring rolls and sweet and sour chicken. This meal was a big hit with my family. Caden ate 5 spring rolls and a bowl of chicken. Kayla also liked the chicken, but wouldn't taste the rolls.
The kids enjoying their reward for cleaning up their mess. Popsicles.

Overall it was a great afternoon. Dinner prepared while the kids entertained themselves. Win, win. This is something we want to do on a regular basis.

1 comment:

Wilde Things said...

How fun, and who even cares about the mess!
Sounds really good too.
I hate cooking lately . . . our meals this week have consisted of corn bread, chili cheese dogs, and going out.