Friday, April 17, 2009

Trend Setters

Last week we had to pick Brice up from work. I had kinda lost track of time and looked at the clock just in time to see we had to I hurried the kids to get their shoes on when I noticed what they were wearing. It's actually not too bad, but made me chuckle when I remember thinking "I will never be that mother that lets her children out of the house looking like....." They look like kids. Kids whose mom lets them put on their PJ's at 3 in the afternoon just because they want to. Kids whose mom lets them wear several shades of blue because it's their favorite color. Kids whose mom lets them wear their swimming suit all day because they had such a good time at the pool earlier that week. Too bad we had to wait in the car and couldn't show off the latest trend setters.

1 comment:

Kim said...

One word....AWESOME!!