Thursday, May 21, 2009

They're Back!

I have 4 new loves in my life and Brice doesn't mind one bit! Caden loved 'em. Kayla loved 'em. Now it's Avery's turn.
Avery is by far our most active child. She has never had any interest in sitting still, much less watching TV. No Baby Einstein, no Barney, nothing....until now. We have several Wiggles DVDs but she will only watch one...over and over and over again. She asks for the Wiggles first thing when she wakes up although her pronunciation sounds nothing like "wiggles". However I am amazed and equally embarrassed that her vocabulary has doubled since watching this show. She knows all of the songs and even the dance moves....I must get it on tape. She is starting to make 2-3 word sentences and can repeat almost everything we say. Thanks to Greg, Anthony, Jeff and Murray.

1 comment:

lelu said...

Does she use an Australian accent? My kids all loved the Wiggles too. They were a life saver when I was pregnant with #4.